MiscMetabar - Miscellaneous Functions for Metabarcoding Analysis
Facilitate the description, transformation, exploration, and reproducibility of metabarcoding analyses. 'MiscMetabar' is mainly built on top of the 'phyloseq', 'dada2' and 'targets' R packages. It helps to build reproducible and robust bioinformatics pipelines in R. 'MiscMetabar' makes ecological analysis of alpha and beta-diversity easier, more reproducible and more powerful by integrating a large number of tools. Important features are described in Taudière A. (2023) <doi:10.21105/joss.06038>.
Last updated 5 days ago
6.38 score 14 stars 20 scripts 603 downloadscati - Community Assembly by Traits: Individuals and Beyond
Detect and quantify community assembly processes using trait values of individuals or populations, the T-statistics and other metrics, and dedicated null models.
Last updated 28 days ago
5.39 score 11 stars 15 scripts 414 downloadsgreenAlgoR - Compute ecological footprint in R
This package computes ecological footprint in R (based on [green-algorithms](https://calculator.green-algorithms.org/). greenAlgoR also made it simple to compute ecological footprint of \{[targets](https://github.com/ropensci/targets)\} pipelines.
Last updated 7 days ago
2.18 score 1 stars 1 scripts