Title: | Compute ecological footprint in R |
Description: | This package computes ecological footprint in R (based on [green-algorithms](https://calculator.green-algorithms.org/). greenAlgoR also made it simple to compute ecological footprint of \{[targets](https://github.com/ropensci/targets)\} pipelines. |
Authors: | Adrien Taudière [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: | Adrien Taudière <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 0.1.1 |
Built: | 2025-02-24 06:04:46 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/adrientaudiere/greenAlgoR |
packageThis package computes ecological footprint in R (based on green-algorithms. greenAlgoR also made it simple to compute ecological footprint of targets pipelines..
Mainly for internal use
csv_from_url_ga(url, remove_first_line = TRUE)
csv_from_url_ga(url, remove_first_line = TRUE)
url |
url to a raw csv file |
remove_first_line |
(logical, default TRUE): Do we remove the first line from the csv file. |
a data.frame
Adrien Taudière
carbon_intensity_internal <- csv_from_url_ga("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GreenAlgorithms/green-algorithms-tool/refs/heads/master/data/v2.2/CI_aggregated.csv")
carbon_intensity_internal <- csv_from_url_ga("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GreenAlgorithms/green-algorithms-tool/refs/heads/master/data/v2.2/CI_aggregated.csv")
Please cite Lannelongue, L., Grealey, J., Inouye, M., Green Algorithms: Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of Computation. Adv. Sci. 2021, 2100707. https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202100707
Default value are from https://github.com/GreenAlgorithms/green-algorithms-tool:
PUE: https://github.com/GreenAlgorithms/green-algorithms-tool/blob/master/data/v2.2/defaults_PUE.csv
TDP_per_core: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GreenAlgorithms/green-algorithms-tool/refs/heads/master/data/v2.2/TDP_cpu.csv
power_draw_per_gb: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202100707
Description of the algorithm from the green-algorithms website:
The carbon footprint is calculated by estimating the energy draw of the algorithm and the carbon intensity of producing this energy at a given location:
Where the energy needed is:
The power draw for the computing cores depends on the model and number of cores, while the memory power draw only depends on the size of memory available. The usage factor corrects for the real core usage (default is 1, i.e. full usage). The PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) measures how much extra energy is needed to operate the data centre (cooling, lighting etc.).
The PSF (Pragmatic Scaling Factor) is used to take into account multiple identical runs (e.g. for testing or optimisation).
The Carbon Intensity depends on the location and the technologies used to produce electricity. But note that the "energy needed" [...] is independent of the location.
ga_footprint( runtime_h = NULL, location_code = "WORLD", PUE = 1.67, TDP_per_core = 12, n_cores = 1, cpu_model = "Any", memory_ram = NULL, power_draw_per_gb = 0.3725, PSF = 1, usage_core = 1, add_ref_values = TRUE, add_storage_estimation = FALSE, mass_storage = NULL, carbon_intensity = NULL, TDP_cpu = NULL, ref_value = NULL )
ga_footprint( runtime_h = NULL, location_code = "WORLD", PUE = 1.67, TDP_per_core = 12, n_cores = 1, cpu_model = "Any", memory_ram = NULL, power_draw_per_gb = 0.3725, PSF = 1, usage_core = 1, add_ref_values = TRUE, add_storage_estimation = FALSE, mass_storage = NULL, carbon_intensity = NULL, TDP_cpu = NULL, ref_value = NULL )
runtime_h |
Run time in hours (int). If runtime_h == "session", the runtime is compute using the actual R session |
location_code |
(character list of country or region available in ) |
(int) Power usage effectiveness of the server. See https://github.com/GreenAlgorithms/green-algorithms-tool/blob/master/data/v2.2/defaults_PUE.csv for example of values. If you are using your personal computer, set PUE to 1. |
TDP_per_core |
(int. in Watt, default 12). Find your cpu TDP and your nb of cpu on https://www.techpowerup.com/cpu-specs/ or in http://calculator.green-algorithms.org/ if available. Owerwrite by cpu_model param. |
n_cores |
(int, default 1) Number of cores. Owerwrite by cpu_model param. |
cpu_model |
Must be present in the list of
http://calculator.green-algorithms.org/. If CPU is set, the parameter
TPD_per_core and n_cores are overwriting by info from the cpu_model.
"auto" modality (find the cpu using |
memory_ram |
(int. in GB) The memory RAM. If memory_ram is NULL, use benchmarkme::get_ram() to get the RAM. |
power_draw_per_gb |
(int. in Watt, default 0.3725) The power draw for each GB of RAM |
(int, default 1) Pragmatic Scaling Factor. Citation from Lannelongue et al. 2021: "Many analyses are presented as a single run of a particular algorithm or software tool; however, computations are rarely performed only once. Algorithms are run multiple times, sometimes hundreds, systematically or manually, with different parameterizations. Statistical models may include any number of combinations of covariates, fitting procedures, etc. It is important to include these repeats in the carbon footprint. To take into account the number of times a computation is performed in practice, the PSF was defined, a scaling factor by which the estimated GHG emissions are multiplied." |
usage_core |
(int, default 1). The usage factor corrects for the real core usage (default is 1, i.e. full usage). |
add_ref_values |
(logical, default TRUE) Do we compute and return reference values to compare to your footprint ? |
add_storage_estimation |
(logical, default FALSE) Do we compute the footprint of mass storage ? By default FALSE because it is far less important than cpu and memory usage. Note that green-algorithms website do not compute mass storage usage. |
mass_storage |
(int. in GB, default NULL) The size of the mass_storage.
Only used if add_storage_estimation is set to TRUE. If set to NULL, use
the |
carbon_intensity |
(default NULL). Advanced users only.
A dataframe with |
TDP_cpu |
(default NULL). Advanced users only.
A dataframe with |
ref_value |
(default NULL). Advanced users only.
A dataframe with |
A list of values
: the input run time in hours
: the input location code
: the input TDP_per_core (if cpu_model is set, correspond to
the TDP_per_core for this cpu)
: the input n_cores (if cpu_model is set, correspond to
the n_cores for this cpu)
: the input cpu model. If set to "Any", TDP_per_core and ncore are used
: the input memory ram in GB
: the input power draw per GB
: the input usage core
: the input carbon intensity (depend on location code)
: the input PUE
: the input PUE
: the output power draw for cores in kWh
: the output power draw for RAM memory in kWh
: the output energy needed in kWh
: the output carbon footprint in grams of CO2 for
cores usage
: the output carbon footprint in grams of CO2 for
memory usage
: the total output carbon footprint in grams of CO2
: (optionnal, return if add_ref_values is TRUE) : a dataframe
: (optionnal, return if add_storage_estimation is TRUE) the output power draw for mass storage in kWh
Adrien Taudière
ga_footprint( runtime_h = 12, n_cores = 6, TDP_per_core = 15.8, location_code = "FR", PUE = 1, cpu_model = "Core i5-9600KF" ) ga_footprint( runtime_h = "session", PUE = 1, ) res_ga <- ga_footprint( runtime_h = 12, n_cores = 6, memory_ram = 64, PUE = 1, add_storage_estimation = TRUE, mass_storage = 1 ) ggplot(res_ga$ref_value, aes(y = variable, x = as.numeric(value), fill = log10(prop_footprint))) + geom_col() + geom_col(data = data.frame( variable = "Total", value = res_ga$carbon_footprint_total_gCO2 ), fill = "grey30") + geom_col(data = data.frame( variable = "Cores", value = res_ga$carbon_footprint_cores ), fill = "darkred") + geom_col(data = data.frame( variable = "Memory", value = res_ga$carbon_footprint_memory ), fill = "orange") + geom_col(data = data.frame( variable = "Mass storage", value = res_ga$carbon_footprint_storage ), fill = "violet") + scale_x_continuous( trans = "log1p", breaks = c(0, 10^c(1:max(log1p(as.numeric(res_ga$ref_value$value))))) ) + geom_vline( xintercept = res_ga$carbon_footprint_total_gCO2, col = "grey30", lwd = 1.2 ) + geom_label(aes(label = round_conditionaly(prop_footprint)), fill = "grey90", position = position_stack(vjust = 1.1) ) + labs( title = "Carbon footprint of the analysis", subtitle = paste0( "(", res_ga$carbon_footprint_total_gCO2, " g CO2", ")" ), caption = "Please cite Lannelongue et al. 2021 (10.1002/advs.202100707)" ) + xlab("Carbon footprint (g CO2) in log10") + ylab("Modality") + theme(legend.position = "none")
ga_footprint( runtime_h = 12, n_cores = 6, TDP_per_core = 15.8, location_code = "FR", PUE = 1, cpu_model = "Core i5-9600KF" ) ga_footprint( runtime_h = "session", PUE = 1, ) res_ga <- ga_footprint( runtime_h = 12, n_cores = 6, memory_ram = 64, PUE = 1, add_storage_estimation = TRUE, mass_storage = 1 ) ggplot(res_ga$ref_value, aes(y = variable, x = as.numeric(value), fill = log10(prop_footprint))) + geom_col() + geom_col(data = data.frame( variable = "Total", value = res_ga$carbon_footprint_total_gCO2 ), fill = "grey30") + geom_col(data = data.frame( variable = "Cores", value = res_ga$carbon_footprint_cores ), fill = "darkred") + geom_col(data = data.frame( variable = "Memory", value = res_ga$carbon_footprint_memory ), fill = "orange") + geom_col(data = data.frame( variable = "Mass storage", value = res_ga$carbon_footprint_storage ), fill = "violet") + scale_x_continuous( trans = "log1p", breaks = c(0, 10^c(1:max(log1p(as.numeric(res_ga$ref_value$value))))) ) + geom_vline( xintercept = res_ga$carbon_footprint_total_gCO2, col = "grey30", lwd = 1.2 ) + geom_label(aes(label = round_conditionaly(prop_footprint)), fill = "grey90", position = position_stack(vjust = 1.1) ) + labs( title = "Carbon footprint of the analysis", subtitle = paste0( "(", res_ga$carbon_footprint_total_gCO2, " g CO2", ")" ), caption = "Please cite Lannelongue et al. 2021 (10.1002/advs.202100707)" ) + xlab("Carbon footprint (g CO2) in log10") + ylab("Modality") + theme(legend.position = "none")
It is mainly a wrapper of function ga_footprint()
that compute run time and
mass_storage (only used if add_storage_estimation = TRUE) using
ga_targets( names_targets = NULL, targets_only = TRUE, complete_only = FALSE, store = targets::tar_config_get("store"), tar_meta_raw = NULL, ... )
ga_targets( names_targets = NULL, targets_only = TRUE, complete_only = FALSE, store = targets::tar_config_get("store"), tar_meta_raw = NULL, ... )
names_targets |
Optional, names of the targets. See ?targets::tar_meta() |
targets_only |
Logical, whether to just show information about targets or also return metadata on functions and other global objects. |
complete_only |
Logical, whether to return only complete rows (no NA values). |
store |
Character of length 1, path to the targets data store. See ?targets::tar_meta() |
tar_meta_raw |
Optional, if not NULL, other listed options above
(params for |
... |
Other args to be passed on |
A list of value. See ?ga_footprint for the details.
Adrien Taudière
# In a targets folder, just run function ga_targets() # with the options you want # The next exemple emulate a mini-targets before to ask for tar_meta tar_dir({ # tar_dir() runs code from a temp dir for CRAN. tar_script( { list( tar_target( name = waiting, command = Sys.sleep(2), description = "Sleep 2 seconds" ), tar_target(x, writeLines( targets::tar_option_get("error"), "error.txt" )) ) }, ask = FALSE ) tar_make() tm <- tar_meta() res_gat <- ga_targets( tar_meta_raw = tm, n_cores = 6, TDP_per_core = 15.8, location_code = "FR", PUE = 2, add_storage_estimation = TRUE ) ggplot(res_gat$ref_value, aes( y = reorder(variable, as.numeric(value)), x = as.numeric(value), fill = log10(prop_footprint) )) + geom_col() + geom_col(data = data.frame( variable = "Total ", value = res_gat$carbon_footprint_total_gCO2 ), fill = "grey30") + geom_col( data = data.frame( variable = "Cores", value = res_gat$carbon_intensity * res_gat$power_draw_for_cores_kWh ), fill = "darkred" ) + geom_col( data = data.frame( variable = "Memory", value = res_gat$carbon_intensity * res_gat$power_draw_for_memory_kWh ), fill = "orange" ) + geom_col( data = data.frame( variable = "Storage", value = res_gat$carbon_intensity * res_gat$power_draw_per_gb ), fill = "violet" ) + scale_x_continuous(trans = "log1p") + geom_vline( xintercept = res_gat$carbon_footprint_total_gCO2, col = "grey30", lwd = 1.2 ) + geom_label(aes(label = round(prop_footprint, 1)), fill = "grey90") + xlab("g CO^2") + ylab("Modality") })
# In a targets folder, just run function ga_targets() # with the options you want # The next exemple emulate a mini-targets before to ask for tar_meta tar_dir({ # tar_dir() runs code from a temp dir for CRAN. tar_script( { list( tar_target( name = waiting, command = Sys.sleep(2), description = "Sleep 2 seconds" ), tar_target(x, writeLines( targets::tar_option_get("error"), "error.txt" )) ) }, ask = FALSE ) tar_make() tm <- tar_meta() res_gat <- ga_targets( tar_meta_raw = tm, n_cores = 6, TDP_per_core = 15.8, location_code = "FR", PUE = 2, add_storage_estimation = TRUE ) ggplot(res_gat$ref_value, aes( y = reorder(variable, as.numeric(value)), x = as.numeric(value), fill = log10(prop_footprint) )) + geom_col() + geom_col(data = data.frame( variable = "Total ", value = res_gat$carbon_footprint_total_gCO2 ), fill = "grey30") + geom_col( data = data.frame( variable = "Cores", value = res_gat$carbon_intensity * res_gat$power_draw_for_cores_kWh ), fill = "darkred" ) + geom_col( data = data.frame( variable = "Memory", value = res_gat$carbon_intensity * res_gat$power_draw_for_memory_kWh ), fill = "orange" ) + geom_col( data = data.frame( variable = "Storage", value = res_gat$carbon_intensity * res_gat$power_draw_per_gb ), fill = "violet" ) + scale_x_continuous(trans = "log1p") + geom_vline( xintercept = res_gat$carbon_footprint_total_gCO2, col = "grey30", lwd = 1.2 ) + geom_label(aes(label = round(prop_footprint, 1)), fill = "grey90") + xlab("g CO^2") + ylab("Modality") })
Round numeric vector conditionaly
round_conditionaly( vec, cond = cbind(c(1e-05, 5), c(0.001, 3), c(0.01, 3), c(1, 2), c(10, 1), c(100, 0)) )
round_conditionaly( vec, cond = cbind(c(1e-05, 5), c(0.001, 3), c(0.01, 3), c(1, 2), c(10, 1), c(100, 0)) )
vec |
a numeric vector |
cond |
: a matrix of 2 row an n column with the first row defining the condition and the second row defining the number to round. cond is order in decreasing order of the 1 row internally. Thus the order in cond rows is not important |
a numeric vector of the same length as vec
Adrien Taudière
round_conditionaly(vec = c(1000.27890, 10.87988, 1.769869, 0.99796, 0.000179)) round_conditionaly( vec = c(1000.27890, 0.000179, 10e-11), cond = cbind(c(10e-5, 5), c(10, 2)) )
round_conditionaly(vec = c(1000.27890, 10.87988, 1.769869, 0.99796, 0.000179)) round_conditionaly( vec = c(1000.27890, 0.000179, 10e-11), cond = cbind(c(10e-5, 5), c(10, 2)) )
)Compute cpu times using base::proc.time()
and mass storage using
session_runtime(compute_mass_storage = TRUE)
session_runtime(compute_mass_storage = TRUE)
compute_mass_storage |
(logical, default TRUE) Do the mass storage is
computed from |
A list of values
Adrien Taudière
session_runtime() session_runtime(compute_mass_storage = FALSE)
session_runtime() session_runtime(compute_mass_storage = FALSE)